Celebrate National Orthodontic Health Month with a Smile

Orthodontic health is a vital aspect of dentistry that goes beyond enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your smile. Orthodontics is the portion of dentistry that deals with the alignment of your teeth. Having properly aligned teeth is more important than just looking good, it also positively affects the function of the teeth, jaw, chewing, and your ability to adequately clean your teeth.

The long-term benefits of having orthodontic treatment are a healthy jaw joint, teeth that are easier to keep clean, less chance of breaking teeth due to improper bite, and a beautiful smile.

For those wondering if it’s time for them to start their orthodontic journey, just know It's never too early or too late. Dentists should evaluate the need for orthodontics from very early on. Some patients benefit from orthodontic treatment in phases, starting as early as six years old for phase one of treatment. There is no such thing as being too old for orthodontics. We have had patients in their seventies go through with treatment to correct their smile.

While not everyone will require orthodontic treatment, most people would benefit from some sort of orthodontic work. Since orthodontics goes beyond just the look of straight teeth, even those with a very nice-looking smile might need some orthodontic work to ensure that their jaw and their bite are in proper relation.

Maintaining an ideal orthodontic oral health routine is crucial, particularly during treatment. It is harder to see areas of decay while a patient is in braces, and it is harder to get into every small space with brackets and wires on the teeth. For these reasons, it is imperative that patients take extra time to keep their teeth clean while in orthodontics. A normal routine would be brushing well after each meal, flossing at least once per day, and taking care to ensure that all food debris has been removed after each brushing.

As Halloween approaches, patients should avoid sugary treats, especially sticky, chewy, or hard candies like taffy, caramel, and frozen bars, which can damage orthodontic appliances. Always remember to brush after indulging in any candy to prevent sugar from lingering on your teeth.

To make your orthodontic journey even more rewarding, take advantage of our Zoom! Whitening special this October. This in-office treatment, now available for just $295 (regularly $425), can lighten your teeth up to eight shades whiter in a single two-hour session. Approved for ages 16 and older, it's an excellent post-orthodontics procedure to make your newly straightened smile shine.

We hope to see you soon and if not have a Happy Halloween!

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